Promotional Campaigns

Are you looking for some material to help you promote MyGymDiscounts to your employees?

Here are all of our campaign packs that you can download and use to promote the scheme. Packs typically include posters, banners, digital screen content, social media tiles and webtext.

The whole pack will be downloaded as a zip file, however feel free to use whichever material works best for your company and the channels you will be using to promote the scheme on.

All content can be edited in PDF editor so you can add your company log in details.  

To edit content, all you need to do is:

  1. Download your chosen material
  2. Open the file in PDF editor
  3. Edit the PDF by adding log in details in the blank boxes
  4. Save material in your chosen format (PDF, JPEG, PNG etc)


MyGymDiscounts Spring Campaign
Digital Fitness
MyGymDiscounts Christmas Campaign
MyGymDiscounts Ireland New Years Campaign
MyGymDiscounts New Years Campaign
MyGymDiscounts September Campaign
Euros Campaign
New MyGymDiscounts digital Campaign 2023
New MyGymDiscounts Poster Campaign 2023
Brand new MyGymDiscounts campaign
Ready Set Gym! MyGymDiscounts and MyActiveDiscounts
Ready Set Gym! MyGymDiscounts
Launch Pack - Direct Log In
Launch Pack - Benefit Portal Log In
MyGymDiscounts Ireland Promo Pack
Time to Swap Campaign
Time to Swap Campaign - Ireland


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